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Check out the Earth from Anfield mural page here.

The whole wide world captured on the side of Anfield Primary School in Liverpool. The earth is approximately 6 metres in diameter. It was a spot of good luck that the circumference matched up exactly with the curved window lintel. The painting is in the school yard. The school has an international mix of children and hopefully the kids will be able to teach each other a little pointing out which part of the world their families hail from.

The Street fighter page is up!

A mural paying tribute to the classic arcade game Street Fighter 2. Painted by Paul Curtis at Arcains (Cains Brewery, Baltic Triangle, Liverpool). The fighter is in the attacking Hadouken pose with a blue fireball shooting out towards an unseen fighter (allowing you to be part of the picture).

he background is parodied, the quayside has been altered to include the famous "Ferry across the Mersey" Ferry - The Royal Iris.

This mural was completed in December 2019.

Click here to view the new page

On the 23rd of June I started a major project called "New Ferry- Dancing with Colours." This project is a collaboration with New Ferry Residents association and the Wirral council. The project is part of the New Ferry redevelopment in response to the devastating explosion that occurred three years ago, injuring eighty one people.

This project was proposed about eighteen months ago, however there was some opposition to having street art on display. But thanks to the perseverance of Simon Crabtree and Mark Craig they made it happen. Over a period of about a month I created five murals.

Thanks to the people of New Ferry for putting up with the cherry picker, and thanks for making me feel so welcome. It's made a massive difference to the street take a loot at some of the photos below.

The first mural painted was for The Martin Gallier project- named Cloud Busting.

Cloud Busting

The second to be completed was the Charisma's girls piece for the hair salon.

Next If you like Pina Colada was third to be completed.

Fourthly this Right pair of moody cows was finished for the Butchers.

Finally, the last of the five paintings, This little piggy was completed for Boysenberry delicatessen.

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