So I was asked to do a Christmas window for Cakes by Andrew in Garston, Liverpool. It was the first time I had been asked to do a Christmas display. The weather was absolutely freezing, but I always enjoy painting something new!
The whole Xmas window painting used to be very popular in Britain, but is quite rare now. This really made this cake shop stand out on the high street. The kids loved it. I hope it makes a comeback, as it really brightened the street up.
This design incorporated the Grinch, Jack Skellington, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and brightly coloured glass baubles
So here it is. I have been toiling in a cold lonely car park at Liverpool Shopping Park on Edge Lane for a month to complete this mural! It was a tough one, but I hope it is worth it! I have tried to make the Liverpool buildings big bright bold and beautiful. Something to really brighten up an otherwise dull wall. Thanks to Derwent Construction for the commission. If you pass the Liverpool Shopping Park, stop in and take a pic of the artwork!
This is the 40 metre long huge mural which I painted at Liverpool Shopping Park on Edge Lane. There are 31 different Liverpool landmarks to identify (although one no longer exists), plus one form of transport (that is also from the past).
The mural took one month to paint and is 100 square metres in area. The aim was to produce something bold, bright and colourful and something representative of this beautiful city. I hope this covers it!

A big thank you to Daniel of Liverpool. He asked me to recapture this great photograph of him and his girlfriend with acrylic paint on canvas. I was happy to work on such a lovely piece and both myself and the client are very happy with the outcome. The artwork will be an early and unique Christmas present to his partner. Visit my commissions page if you would like to give someone a unique art gift too!