This epic mural is about 3 weeks in now. It is a colourful depiction of various Liverpool landmarks. I can see the end in sight but like many murals, it is the final touches that take much longer than predicted, watch this space!
The mural has been commissioned by Liverpool Shopping Park (LSP) on Edge Lane. The mural is on temporary hoardings that are hiding the building of the Phase 2 shops. It is my largest to date, 100 square metres!
This was a fantastic mural to work on. Despite early issues with the phantom ladder pincher, I think it turned out really well. The Beatles images are based on their cartoon characters in The Yellow Submarine film, but they are in their Sergeant Pepper uniforms to add a bit of colour and boldness. A couple of characters also appear, the Blue Meanie and The Fool on the Hill. Thanks to Baltic Market and Independent Liverpool for the commission.
A cheeky circus chimp appeared on the exterior wall of Circo on Seel Street, Liverpool. The monkey is pulling a tongue at all who wander down Seel Street. Take a look at the photos of my latest street art mural here. The owner wanted a Victorian or Edwardian feel to the monkey, I added the red libertines style military jacket. I hope it has worked!