Charlie Landsborough Mural

This mural took over a year to reach the wall, but it was better late than never. It is located at Birkenhead North Station. Based on many local opinions, Charlie must've been every single person's favourite teacher around here!
Charlie Landsborough popped down to Birkenhead North Station to officially add his seal of approval to the new mural of him. Charlie was one of the nicest people you could ever hope to meet. Paul was made up he is pleased with the artwork. As part of Charlie's thanks to Paul, he was given a bottle of malt to celebrate the achievement.
Lots of people turned up for the event (even some pupils from the school where Charlie used to teach (Portland Academy), so thanks to everyone who came. Thanks to @northbirkenheadcradletocareer for organising the mural and the event.
Thanks to @merseyrail @wirralcouncil @northbirkenheadcradletocareer @networkrail @official_charlielandsborough